In South Africa, the war of words between the various wildlife sanctuaries and rescuers on the one hand, and the government depts of Nature Conservation, Marine and Coastal Management, (all under Environment Affairs and Tourism) on the other, seems to be hotting up lately with everybody shouting the odds.
What side is the NSPCA on?
To put the seal on who's lying and who's truthing, can anybody from IFAW confirm or deny that MCM requested a grant from IFAW to pursue their management policy? This grant was allegedly refused on the grounds that the policy was untenable.
Nevertheless, it looks as if the good guys will win this battle, as our Francois of the Seal Rescue Unit in Cape Town challenges the MCM through the Public Protector, while our Chris and Bev of the Kalahari Raptor Centre challenge the Problem Animal Ordinance in the High Court on 9 September, and also take on the NSPCA in the Pretoria High Court on the issue of the Enkosini "canned" lions.
More good news is that there are signs of a softening attitude, in that according to the Pawtal website, the Minister of Environment Affairs is setting up a public chat room, the Cape foxes have been given a reprieve, and Baixinha the (potentially canned) rhino is free at last!


1 • Baixinha the Rhino wins Fight for Survival

Good news from the Wildlife Action Group ( ) in South Africa, forwarded by our Lorna on 6 July. Baixinha ("Pretty One") is a tame black rhino who was destined to be "canned" when she became too old to breed, until PETA started a campaign to save her.

2 • Good News for Cape Foxes (S. Africa)

Our Chris and Bev of the Kalahari Raptor Centre describes this as a small victory for Wildlife in South Africa, as the Cape Fox has finally been accorded a measure of protection from ruthless farmers and conservation officials. See also the KRC website

3 • American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act: Sample Letter

Ask your US representative to cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, HR 3781. Introduced by Connie Morella. The sample letter was prepared by our Brenda Schoss of Kinship Circle, circulated by our Trevor, to our Shaynie, to us. Our Terri, the rescuer of horses, has written a beautiful new tribute to the horses, on the LCA web site. Do have a look at

4 • HumaneLines weekly Activist Newsletter

Our Shaynie was particularly horrified by what is happening to the prairie dogs in Boulder Country, Colorado, where technology company Storagetek is conducting a massive poisoning campaign against them on their 440 acre plot. The reason - wait for it - the dogs are digging holes in their jogging track! See The current topics in their news - letter are: HUMANE SCORECARD NOW AVAILABLE NAVY BOMBING HURTS WHALES OKLAHOMA COCKFIGHTING BAN OFFICIALLY ON THE BALLOT STOP STORAGETEK'S MASSIVE ANIMAL POISONING

5 • IndoChina's Primates ruthlessly wiped out

Our Charlotte did a search to find out what's happening in Indonesia and South-East Asia, and came up with this report from the Indonesian nature protection group KSBK (Animal Conservation for Life), working on a small grant from the International Primate Protection League (IPPL). See . A snail-mail campaign has been launched here.

6 • Response from re Kangaroo culling

Our June of Animal Lib received this response to a complaint about the use of skins from "culled" kangaroos. Here's to you, Mrs Robinson!

7 • Australian Farmers want more Kangaroos culled

Evidently farmers are not sensate creatures and may yet be pronounced "Fair Game", a la Zimbabwe. This report from our Charlotte, who is recovering from a rather serious illness. Welcome back Charlotte!

8 • Boycott Adidas to help Kangaroos

From our Animal-Net on 19 June 2002, news of a campaign by "VIVA!" to boycott Adidas, who according to a leaked internal memo, are rather worried about the possible shortage of kangaroo skins for making running shoes. OK, if nobody buys them, that should solve the problem! "Viva!" can be contacted at

9 • Feed an Animal in Need

Not a bad idea. Our Moonflower has found a site that helps abandoned animals. All you have to do is visit the site!

10 • Canned Lions: A new way to reach the SA Officials

Pawtal, the Wildlife Sanctuary Community of South Africa, informs us that the minister of Environment Affairs is setting up a chat room to hear what members of the public have to say. Meanwhile, some remarkable inside information on their policy has come to light, thanks to our Julia. Compare what Julia found to the proposed new policy in the Northern Province, as outlined by the Wildlife Action group and featured in our previous newsletter. A remarkable about-face.

11 • TV program on Seals killing Sea Birds

Report back on the war of words between our Francois and the producers of the local TV program 50/50, plus details of the history of seal abuse in South Africa. It isn't a private fight, so anybody can join in. Please do. It took almost 2 hours to correct the grammar enough to make this stuff readable, so please at least read it! Note also that MCM apparently sponsored this film at least by providing the transport, and that anybody who uses words like "sweeping statements" is usually a liar.

12 • Stop Bullfighting in Barcelona

We haven't clobbered any bullfighters for a long time, and this petition is to be delivered by hand, so let's go for it. It comes from , a group we haven't heard from before. Their name "VNG" means "Friendly with animals".

13 • Save Bulls from "Toro de la Vega" in Spain

This PETA Action Alert came from who prepared a sample letter for the "AnimalsInNeed" group. During a vicious "party" called the "Toro de la Vega" in Spain, a bull was tormented and stabbed for hours until he died a terrifying, painful death. You can stop this from happening again by writing a letter to Spanish authorities and encouraging others to do so as well.

14 • New Korean Animal Protection Act may be a Trojan Horse

Our Russ of "It's Their Destiny" examines a report from the Korean Herald of 1 July 2002 and finds that it may be an attempt to legalize the torture of dogs and cats.


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