American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act: Sample Letter

Brenda Shoss wrote:
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2002 13:07:29 -0500
Subject: Kinship Circle/Cosponsor Horse Slaughter Prevention Act
From: "Brenda Shoss"

1 letter
Farm Sanctury News--Summer 2002

To find your U.S. Representative, go to
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*DISCLAIMER: The information in these letters is verified with the original source. I cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of the information or for the consequences of its use.

The Honorable ___________________________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515
Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121

Dear Representative _______________________,
Horses embody the American spirit of freedom and nobility. Yet every year, retired racehorses, workhorses, Premarin producers, and equine companions are sold to slaughterhouses to be processed into meat for overseas consumption. As your constituent, I hope I can count on you to cosponsor the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, HR 3781. Introduced by Connie Morella, R-MD, HR 3781 seeks to ban the slaughter of horses for human ingestion and forbid transport of U.S. horses for slaughter in another country.
With only two functioning slaughterhouses left in Texas, many former U.S. operations plan to relocate to Canada. Transferring this dirty trade over the border would do little to save American horses. It is routine procedure to cram disabled, ailing, and aged horses into double-deck cattle trailers where they cannot stand comfortably and must travel for 28 hours or more without food, water or rest. Those who survive transport wind up inside a ³kill box² to be repeatedly stunned with a captive bolt pistol. This crude method often leaves them alert as they are chained by a hind leg and heaved into the air to have their throats slit.
In light of the recently gutted Farm Bill, which failed to enact The Downed Animal Provision, The Santorum-Durbin Amendment On Puppy Mills, Animal Welfare Act Protection for Rats, Mice, Birds in Laboratories, and The Bear Protection Act--it is mandatory that legislators expedite animal protection laws in this country.
U.S. animal welfare laws are embarrassingly weak. Passage of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act could build a foundation for progress. Please help prohibit the export and slaughter of horses for the foreign meat trade. Thank you for cosponsoring the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act.

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